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太阳集团tyc5997教授、博士生导师。哈尔滨工业大学管理科学与工程专业博士,美国密苏里大学(堪萨斯城)全球创新研究所联合培养博士,上海交通大学工商管理博士后。入选四川省天府峨眉计划;四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选;太阳成“双百人才工程”计划;太阳成哲学社会科学青年杰出人才培育计划;湖北省青年科技晨光计划。中国科学学与科技政策研究会创新与发展政策专委会理事及副秘书长;四川省工业发展资金项目评审专家等。Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Creativity Research Journal等十余本国际重要期刊执行编辑、客座主编以及编委等。IEEE 技术与工程管理协会TEMSCON、ICTMOD、TEMAN等国际重要会议技术委员会委员;中国科技政策与管理学术年会学术委员会委员;Journal of Management及Technovation等六十余本SCI/SSCI检索国际期刊审稿人。

研究方向为科技创新与智能/数字治理;公共政策与低碳管理;公共部门组织行为与人力资源管理等。近年主持国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、教育部人文社科基金、中国博士后科学基金等省部级及以上课题近十项及四川省机关事务管理局、湖北省环境科学研究院、太阳成“十四五”哲学社科专项重点基金等市局级、企事业单位委托项目二十余项;以子课题负责人主研教育部哲学社科重大专项及国家自然科学基金重点项目各一项。现已在IEEE transactions on Engineering Management、Academy of Management Learning & Education、Technovation、Technological Forecasting and Social Change、Journal of Business Research、International Journal of Production Economics、Management and Organization Review、Annals of Operations Research、Transportation Research Part D、Journal of Knowledge Management、Journal of Information Science、Technology in Society、Land Use Policy、Journal of Asian Public Policy、Resource Policy、Leadership & Organization Development Journal、Urban Climate、Project Management Journal、Group Dynamics、European Journal of Innovation Management 、Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 、Creativity and Innovation Management、Research in Transportation Business & Management 、International Journal of Manpower、管理世界、公共管理学报、科研管理、管理评论、研究与发展管理、科学学与科学技术管理及行政论坛等国内外高水平期刊上发表学术论文92篇,其中 SSCI/SCI 检索论文77篇,CSSCI 检索论文 15篇,ESI 高被引及 ESI 热点论文 10篇。学术论文他引 3500余次,H 指数29,I10 指数 58。



[1] Wei Zhang, Yaru Wang, & Wenyao Zhang*. 2023. How Double-Carbon Policies Affect Green Technology Innovation Capability of Enterprise: Empirical Analysis Based on Spatial Dubin Model. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71:9953-9965. (SSCI/SCI检索一区;FMS列表A类;ABS列表3星).

[2] Wenyao Zhang, Yuan Jiang, & Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2023.Antecedents of Online Knowledge Seeking of Employees in Technical R&D Team: An Empirical Study in China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 70(2):523-532 (SSCI/SCI检索一区;FMS列表A类;ABS列表3星).

[3] Wei Zhang, Yuan Jiang, & Wenyao Zhang. 2021.Capabilities for Collaborative Innovation of Technological Alliance: A Knowledge-Based View. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68 (6): 1734-1744. (SSCI/SCI检索一区;FMS列表A类;ABS列表3星).

[4] Wei Zhang, Chu Qin, &Wenyao Zhang*. 2023. Top management team characteristics, technological innovation and firm's greenwashing: Evidence from China's heavy-polluting industries.Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 191(2023):122522 (SSCI检索一区;FMS列表B类;ABS列表3星).

[5] Wenyao Zhang, Wei Zhang *(通讯作者), &Tugurl Daim. 2023. The voluntary green behavior in green technology innovation: The dual effects of green human resource management system and leader green traits. Journal of Business Research, 115(2023):114049. (SSCI检索一区;FMS列表B类;ABS列表3星).

[6] Wei Zhang, Shiqi Ye, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Ali Emrouznejad, Malin Song.2024. Smart Platforming in Automotive Manufacturing for NetZero: Intelligentization, Green Technology, and Innovation Dynamics. International Journal of Production Economics, 274(2024):109289 (SSCI检索一区;FMS列表B类;ABS列表3星).

[7] Yuan Jiang, Liyan Yang & Wei Zhang. 2022. Linking Social Networks to Student Learning and Performance in Project Teams: The Promise of Collaborative Norms. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 21(4):561–579 (SSCI检索一区;FMS列表A类; ABS列表4+星).

[8] Wei Zhang, Mingyang Zhang, Guangdong Wu. 2022.How to realize low-carbon travel in rural areas? Evidence from China. Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 105:103224. (SSCI检索一区;FMS列表B类期刊;ABS列表3星).

[9] Peng Luo,Gengxuan Guo, Wei Zhang*(共同一作,通讯作者). 2022.The role of social influence in green travel behavior in Rural China.Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 107,103284 (SSCI检索一区;FMS列表B类期刊;ABS列表3星).

[10] Xiaofeng Xu, Zhiru Lin, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者).2023. Multi-tank joint replenishment problem with overlapping time windows in refined oil distribution. Annals of Operations Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-023-05512-1. (SCI检索一区;FMS列表B类;ABS列表3星).

[11] Yanhong Tu, Ying Hong, Yuan Jiang, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者).2023.Fighting the War for Talent: Examining A Multi-level Model of Talent Inducement, Work Engagement and Creativity in Teams. Management and Organization Review. 19(5):910-931. (SSCI检索二区;FMS列表B类;ABS列表3星).

[12] Wei Zhang, Yuan Jiang, Wenkai Zhou & Wei Pan. 2023. Antecedents of knowledge-seeking intentions and efforts within new product development teams: empirical evidence from knowledge-based Chinese companies. Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(2): 356-382.(SSCI检索一区;FMS列表B类).

[13] Wenyao Zhang, Wei Zhang *(通讯作者), Tugurl Daim. 2023. Investigating consumer purchase intention in online social media marketing: A case study of Tiktok. Technology in Society,74(2023):102289 ( SSCI检索一区).

[14] Wei Zhang, Yaru Wang, & Fengchun Fan*. 2023.How does coordinated development of two-way foreign direct investment affect natural resources Utilization?——Spatial analysis based on China's coal resource utilization efficiency.Resources Policy,85(4):104002 (SSCI/SCI检索一区;中科院TOP).

[15] Songsong Li, Weiqian Zhang, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2023. Dynamic time-frequency connectedness and risk spillover between geopolitical risks and natural resources. Resources Policy, 82:103554 (SSCI/SCI检索一区;中科院TOP).

[16] Tao Shi, Chongyang Li, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者), Yi Zhang. 2023.Forecasting on metal resource spot settlement price: New evidence from the machine learning model. Resources Policy,81: 103360 (SSCI/SCI检索一区;中科院TOP).

[17] Wei Zhang & Mingyang Zhang. 2023. Social Network Analysis and Public Policy: What’s New?Journal of Asian Public Policy. 16(2):115-145. (SSCI检索一区).

[18] Xiaomei Li, Yifan Ma & Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2024. Enhancing urban public service efficiency through the national civilized city policy: an empirical analysis of 282 cities in China from 2005 to 2019. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 1–30. (SSCI检索一区).

[19] Wei Zhang, Chu Qin, Guangdong Wu*. 2023.Exploring the spatial spillover effects of climate change on the supply of medical and health services: Evidence from China.Urban Climate, 51:101598.( SCI检索一区).

[20] Mang Chen, A. McNab & Wei Zhang* (通讯作者). 2023. How to improve the university library intelligent knowledge service: A system dynamics model. Journal of Information Science. 49 (5) :1202-1217. (SSCI/SCI检索二区;FMS列表B类;教育部A类).

[21] Mang Chen & Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2020. WeChat knowledge service system (WKSS) of University Library based on SoLoMo: A Holistic Design Framework. Journal of Information Science. 46(5):616-629. (SSCI/SCI检索二区;FMS列表B类;教育部A类).

[22] Wei Zhang, Xinxin Zhang & Guangdong Wu. 2021. The network governance of urban renewal: A comparative analysis of two cities in China. Land Use Policy,2021, 106, 105448. ( SSCI/SCI检索一区).

[23] Wei Zhang, Mingyang Zhang, Shaobo Wu & Fan Liu. 2021.A complex path model for low-carbon sustainable development of enterprise based on system dynamics. Journal of Cleaner Production, 321,128934 (SSCI/SCI一区;中科院TOP).

[24] Shengli Dai, Xin Duan &Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2020. Knowledge map of environmental crisis management based on keywords network and co-word analysis,2005-2018. Journal of Cleaner Production. 262,121168 (SSCI/SCI一区;中科院TOP).

[25] Chenxiao Wang, Qingpu Zhang, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者).2023. How does corporate social responsibility contribute to innovation performance? The moderating role of social media strategic capability and big data analytics capability. European Journal of Innovation Management. In Press. ( SSCI检索一区).

[26] Wei Zhang,Yaru Wang, Malin Song*.2023. Industrial structure upgrading, technological innovation and comprehensive utilization of solid waste. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.In Press (SSCI检索二区;ABS列表2星).

[27] Wenjing Guo, Yuan Jiang, & Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2024.Why and when is frequent supervisory negative feedback undesirable? The role of trust in supervisor and attribution of supervisor motives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 45 (5): 737-753. ( SSCI检索二区).

[28] Wei Zhang, Xinxin Zhang & Qian Zhou. 2023. How does knowledge seeking and knowledge generation promote green supply chain management? An empirical study from China. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. 26(1):37-57 (SSCI检索二区).

[29] Chenxiao Wang, Qingpu Zhang & Wei Zhang*(通讯作者).2020. Corporate social responsibility, Green Supply Chain Management and firm performance: the moderating role of big-data analytics capability. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 37(4):100557. (SSCI检索二区).

[30] Yanhong Tu, Yuan Jiang,& Wei Zhang* (通讯作者). 2020. Team Ability Disparity and Goal Interdependence Influence Team Members' Affective and Informational States. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice. 24(1):4-25.(SSCI检索二区).

[31] Yuan Jiang, Liyan Yang, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者), Hao Gong & Qian Zhang. 2020. An empirical examination of individual green policy perception and green behaviors. International Journal of Manpower. 41(7): 1021-1040 (SSCI检索一区).

[32] Wei Zhang, Xinru Zhong, Fengchun Fan, & Xiaoping Jiang*.2024. Unlocking the Creative Potential of Chinese New Liberal Arts: The Role of Interdisciplinary Education, Knowledge Integration, and Metacognitive Awareness.Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. (SSCI检索一区).

[33] Wei Zhang, Shiqi Ye, ZY Shen, & Malin Song, 2023. How does digital empowerment affect venture capital: an empirical study of Chinese manufacturing listed corporations in Growth Enterprise Market.Venture Capital. 1–29. (SSCI检索二区).

[34] Chu Qin &Wei Zhang*(通讯作者). 2022. Green, poverty reduction and spatial spillover: an analysis from 21 provinces of China. Environment Development and Sustainability, 24, 13610–13629 (SCI检索二区).

[35] Wei Zhang, Mingyang Zhang, Wenyao Zhang , Qian Zhou* & Xinxin Zhang.2020.What influences the effectiveness of green logistics policies? A grounded theory analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 714 (2020), 136731. (SCI检索一区,中科院TOP) .

[36] Cong Cheng, Wei Zhang *(通讯作者), Wenyao Zhang & Yuan Jiang. 2022. Entrepreneurial traits, entrepreneurial environmental perception, and ventureperformance: Empirical evidence from Chinese firms. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 12(1): 20180316. (SSCI检索三区).

[37] Wei Zhang & Yuan Jiang. 2020. Technology: Networks and Maps in Creativity Research, 1999–2018. Encyclopedia of Creativity (Third Edition) (Editor(s): Steven Pritzker, Mark Runco). Academic Press, ELSEVISE. Pages 605-623. Doi, 10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.23857-1.

[38] Wei Zhang,Sunny Li Sun ,Yuan Jiang * & Wenyao Zhang. 2019. Openness to Experience and Team Creativity: Effects of Knowledge Sharing and Transformational Leadership. Creativity Research Journal, 32(1):62-73. (SSCI检索二区).

[39] Xiaofeng Xu, Wei Zhang*(通讯作者) & Ning Li. 2015.A bi-level programming control model of resource matching for collaborative logistics network in supply uncertainty environment. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 325(2015):3873-3884.(SCI检索一区).

[40] Wei Zhang,Qingpu Zhang & Micheal Song*.2015. How do Individual-Level Factors Affect the Creative Solution Formation Process of Team? Creativity and Innovation Management,24(3):508-524 (SSCI检索二区).

[41] Zhibin Hu, Guangdong Wu & Wei Zhang. (2024). Performance Improvement in Megaprojects Through Project Network Characteristics and Transactive Memory Systems. Project Management Journal, 55(3), 313-334.(SSCI检索一区).

[42] 张伟,杨琼,涂艳红. 2024.基于受众中心的员工绿色人力资源管理感知与绿色工作退缩行为关系研究. 管理评论, In Press (CSSCI检索,国家自科基金委管理学部权威期刊).

[43] 张伟,叶诗奇. 2023.绿色技术创新体系的历史进程、演进逻辑与动力机制——基于历史制度主义的分析. 行政论坛,30:91-99. (CSSCI检索)

[44] 张伟,陈琪伟,朱宇霁,马慧. 2022.重大公共卫生事件背景下社区韧性影响因素模型研究.公共管理学报,19(03):96-109+172. (CSSCI检索,国家自科基金委管理学部权威期刊).

[45] 程聪, 池仁勇&张伟*(通讯作者).2019.企业推动SCSR项目实施机制研究.科研管理,40(1): 139-150. (CSSCI检索,国家自科基金委管理学部权威期刊).

[46] 戴胜利&张伟*(通讯作者).2017. 地方政府绩效考核主体群的界定及分工探析.管理世界,10:176-177(CSSCI检索,国家自科基金委管理学部权威期刊).

[47] 张庆普&张伟*(通讯作者). 2014.创意团队复杂创意形成过程与机理研究——基于创意发酵视角. 研究与发展管理,26(6):99-113.(CSSCI检索,国家自科基金委管理学部权威期刊).

[48] 张伟,张庆普&单伟.2013.整体网视角下的高校科研团队知识共享能力测量研究——以某高校系统工程科研团队为例. 科学学与科学技术管理, 33(10):170-180. (CSSCI检索,国家自科基金委管理学部权威期刊).






川大太阳集团tyc5997 (scu-ggglxy)

