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社会学与心理学系特聘研究员,应用心理学硕士生导师。西南大学应用心理学本科,基础心理学硕士,伦敦国王学院(King’s College London)心理学博士, 瑞典厄勒布鲁大学(Örebro University)医学院博士后。主要研究方向为青少年心理健康、性与性别、生命史理论、进化心理学、发展和社会心理学。迄今以第一作者在Clinical Psychology ReviewJournal of Child Psychology and PsychiatryJournal of Adolescent Health Child DevelopmentBrainNeuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews、和JAMA Network Open等SSCI/SCI刊物发表学论文30余篇。担任Archives of Sexual BehaviorJournal of Sex ResearchJournal of Affective DisorderPublic Health Nutrition等刊物的审稿人。电子邮箱:yin.xu@scu.edu.cn


Xu, Y., & Rahman, Q. (2023). Sexual orientation identity change, developmental trajectories of depressive symptoms, and childhood abuse from adolescence to young adulthood. The Journal of Adolescent Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.10.017 [SSCI, IF = 7.6]

Xu, Y. , Ma, Y., & Rahman, Q. (2023). Comparing asexual with heterosexual, bisexual, and gay/lesbian individuals in common mental health problems: A multivariate meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 105, Article 102334. [SSCI, IF = 12.8]

Xu, Y. , Rahman, Q., Hiyoshi, A., & Montgomery, S. (2023). Same-sex marriage and common mental health diagnoses: A sibling comparison and adoption approach. Journal of Sex Research, 60(5), 585–595. [SSCI, IF = 3.6]

Xu, Y. , Rahman, Q., Hiyoshi, A., & Montgomery, S. (2023). Same-sex and opposite-sex marriages as a proxy measure of sexual orientation and its association with psychopathology: A reply to Zietsch and Sanders. Journal of Sex Research, 60(5), 608–610.

Xu, Y. , Hiyoshi, A., Fall, K., & Montgomery, S. (2023). Systemic inflammation measured by erythrocyte sedimentation rate and cognitive function among young men in Sweden: A within-sibling analysis. Science Progress, 106(1), Article 368504221145541.

Xu, Y. , & Rahman, Q. (2022). Sexual orientation disparities in the developmental trajectories of emotional and behavioral difficulties from childhood to early adolescence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(12), 1505–1512. [SSCI, IF = 7.6]

Xu, Y. , Montgomery, S., & Rahman, Q. (2022). Neuroticism and sexual orientation-based victimization as mediators of sexual orientation disparities in mental health. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(7), 3405–3416. [SSCI, IF = 3.8]

Ma, Y., Xue, W., Liu, Q., & Xu, Y. (2022). Discrimination and deaf adolescents' subjective well-being: The role of deaf identity. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 27(4), 399–407.

Xu, Y. , Rahman, Q., & Montgomery, S. (2022). Same-sex partnership and cardiovascular disease in men: The role of risk factors in adolescence. LGBT Health, 9(1), 18–26. [SSCI, IF = 4.8]

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2022). Adolescent sexual behavior patterns, mental health, and early life adversities in a British birth cohort. Journal of Sex Research, 59, 1–12.

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2021). Childhood gender nonconformity and the stability of self-reported sexual orientation from adolescence to young adulthood in a birth cohort. Developmental Psychology, 57, 557–569. [SSCI, IF = 4.0]

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2021). Adolescent sexual behavior patterns in a British birth cohort: A latent class analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 161–180.

Xu, Y. , Smith, K. A., Hiyoshi, A., Piehl, F., Olsson, T., & Montgomery, S. (2021). Hospital-diagnosed infections before age 20 and risk of a subsequent multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Brain, 144, 2390-2400. [SCI, IF = 14.5]

Xu, Y. , Hiyoshi, A., Smith, K. A., Piehl, F., Olsson, T., Fall, K., & Montgomery, S. (2021). Association of infectious mononucleosis in childhood and adolescence with risk for a subsequent multiple sclerosis diagnosis among siblings. JAMA Network Open, 4, Article e2124932. [SCI, IF = 13.8]

Xu, Y. , Hiyoshi, A., Brand, J. S., Smith, K. A., Bahmanyar, S., Alfredsson, L., ... & Montgomery, S. (2021). Higher body mass index at ages 16 to 20 years is associated with increased risk of a multiple sclerosis diagnosis in subsequent adulthood among men. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 27, 147-150. [SCI, IF = 5.8]

Xu, Y. , Udumyan, R., Fall, K., Ljungqvist, O., Montgomery, S., & Gustafsson, U. O. (2021). Validity of routinely collected Swedish data in the International Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Database. World Journal of Surgery, 45, 1622-1629

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2020). Childhood maltreatment, gender nonconformity, and adolescent sexual orientation: A prospective birth cohort study. Child Development, 91, e984-e994. [SSCI, IF = 4.6]

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2020). Sexual orientation and cognitive ability: A multivariate meta-analytic follow-up. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 413-420.

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2020). A longitudinal birth cohort study of early life conditions, psychosocial factors, and emerging adolescent sexual orientation. Developmental Psychobiology, 62, 5-20.

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2019). Early life conditions and adolescent sexual orientation: A prospective birth cohort study. Developmental Psychology, 55, 1226-1243.

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2018). Early life conditions, reproductive and sexuality-related life history outcomes among human males: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39, 40-51. [SSCI, IF = 5.1]

Xu, Y. , & Zheng, Y. (2018). The influence of power and intimacy sexual motives on sexual position preference among men who have sex with men in China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 245-258.

Xu, Y. , Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2017). Sexual orientation and neurocognitive ability: A meta-analysis in men and women. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 83, 691-696. [SCI, IF = 8.2]

Xu, Y. , Rahman, Q., & Zheng, Y. (2017). Gender-specificity in viewing time among heterosexual women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 1361-1374.

Xu, Y. , & Zheng, Y. (2017). Fraternal birth order, handedness, and sexual orientation in a Chinese population. The Journal of Sex Research, 54, 10-18.

Xu, Y., , & Zheng, Y. (2017). Does sexual orientation precede childhood sexual abuse? childhood gender nonconformity as a risk factor and instrumental variable analysis. Sexual Abuse, 29, 786-802.

Xu, Y. , Zheng, Y., & Rahman, Q. (2017). The relationship between self-reported sexually explicit media consumption and sexual risk behaviors among men who have sex with men in China. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 357-365. [SCI, IF = 3.5]

Xu, Y. , & Zheng, Y. (2016). The relationship between digit ratio (2D: 4D) and sexual orientation in men from China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45, 735-741.

Xu, Y. , & Zheng, Y. (2015). The digit ratio (2D: 4D) in China: A meta-analysis. American Journal of Human Biology, 27, 304-309.

Xu, Y. , & Zheng, Y. (2015). Prevalence of childhood sexual abuse among lesbian, gay, and bisexual people: A meta-analysis. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 24, 315-331.

Xu, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2014). Birth order and sibling sex ratio in relation to sexual orientation in China. Social Behavior and Personality, 42, 995-1001.






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