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西南大学-美国约翰·霍普金斯大学联合培养博士,研究方向为社会心理学,旨在关注困境群体的心理健康,应用心理和社会学硕士生导师,社会工作本科论文导师。四川省“峨眉计划”青年人才、四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选、太阳成“双百工程”计划。中国社会心理学会委员,四川省心理学会理事,省心理学会社心专委会秘书长。在Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Child Abuse & Neglect, Archives of Sexual Behavior, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Quality of Life Research等SSCI/C刊发表论文30余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者SSCI一区论文20余篇,国际国内学术会议论文20余篇。主持国家社科基金等项目多项。参编《Global LGBTQ Health》英文专著1部。联系邮箱:xuwenjian@scu.edu.cn


Yaxin Pu, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (In press). Parenting desire among sexual minority women in China: From the stigma perspective.Archives of Sexual Behavior. (国际性研究学会官方刊物,性与性别领域顶级期刊).

Wenjian Xu, Shuang Xue. (2022). Childhood abuse, left-behind status and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults in China. Child Abuse & Neglect. (社会工作领域顶刊).

Shuang Xue, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (2023). Childhood sexual abuse and associated suicidal ideation and attempts among gay and bisexual men in China: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Xiaobo Wang, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (2023). Optimism and friendship quality as mediators between trait emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in Chinese adolescents: A two-wave longitudinal study. Current Psychology.

Shuang Xue, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (2022). Perceived social support and post-traumatic growth 12 years after the Wenchuan earthquake: A moderated mediation of belief in a just world and gender. Current Psychology.

Li Han, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (2022). Communication or alienation? Relationship between negative life events and mental health of left-behind children in rural China. Applied Research in Quality of Life.

Shuang Xue, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (2022). Resilience and prosocial behavior among Chinese university students during COVID-19 mitigation: Testing mediation and moderation models of social support. Psychology Research and Behavior Management.

Wenjian Xu,Yuxia Huang. (2022). Heterosexual marital intention: The influences of Confucianism and stigma among Chinese sexual minority women and men. Archives of Sexual Behavior. (国际性研究学会官方刊物,性与性别领域顶刊).

Wenjian Xu, Sanfeng Wu. (2022). Childhood emotional abuse, rejection sensitivity, and depression symptoms in young Chinese gay and bisexual men: Testing a moderated mediation model. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Xing Zhang, Xu Chen, Wenjian Xu, Nathan Hudson. (2022). The relationship between adult attachment and mental health: A meta-analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (社会心理学领域顶刊).

Xing Zhang, Pengfei Huang, Biqin Li, Wenjian Xu. (2021). The influence of interpersonal relationships on school adaptation among Chinese university students during COVID-19 control period: Multiple mediating roles of social support and resilience. Journal of Affective Disorders.

Jing Zhang, Wenjian Xu(通讯作者). (2021). Vocal characteristics predict infidelity intention and relationship commitment in men but not in women. Personality and Individual Differences.

Michelle Kaufman, Albert Casella, Wenjian Xu, David DuBois, Renata Sanders, Jeannette Simon, Deb Levine. (2020). Mentoring young African American men and transgender women who have sex with men on sexual health: Formative Research for an HIV Mobile Health Intervention for Mentors. JMIR Formative Research.

Xin Shi, Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2020). Heterosexual marital intention: Effects of internalized homophobia, homosexual identity, perceived family support, and disclosure among Chinese gay and bisexual men. Journal of Homosexuality.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng, Michelle Kaufman. (2019). Alcohol use and binge drinking among men who have sex with men in China: Prevalence and correlates. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Yong Liu, Xiao Gao, Wenjian Xu, Hong Chen. (2019). Overweight adults are more impulsive than normal weight adults: Evidence from ERPs during a chocolate-related delayed discounting task. Neuropsychologia.

Yanmei Zhao, Zhengtang Zhang, Wenjian Xu, Qinglin Zhang. (2019). Promoting insight in scientific innovation: The effects of function-construction maps. Creativity Research Journal.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng, Michelle Kaufman. (2018). Predictors of recent HIV testing among Chinese men who have sex with men: A barrier perspective. AIDS Patient Care and STDs.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2018). Relationship between childhood sexual abuse and HIV-related risks among men who have sex with men: Findings from Mainland China. Archives of Sexual Behavior. (国际性研究学会官方刊物,性与性别领域顶级期刊).

Wenjian Xu, Tingyong Feng. (2018). Parent–child separation: The relationship between separation and psychological adjustment among Chinese rural children. Quality of Life Research. (国际生命质量研究官方刊物).

Xing Zhang, Wenjian Xu, Xu Chen. (2018). Brain correlates of adult attachment style: A voxel-based morphometry study. Brain Research.

Jingjing Song, Pan Feng, Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2018). Chronotype regulates the neural basis of response inhibition during the daytime. Chronobiology International.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2017). Internalized homophobia, mental health, sexual behaviors, and outness of gay/bisexual men from Southwest China. International Journal for Equity in Health.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2016). Sexual sensation seeking, sexual compulsivity, and high-risk sexual behaviours among gay/bisexual men in Southwest China. AIDS Care.

徐文健, 薛爽. (2023). 汶川大地震青年幸存者的PTSD症状和反刍特征与亲社会行为的关系:基于潜在剖面分析. 中国社会心理学评论(CSSCI).

徐文健,刘乐义. (2023).领悟社会支持对汶川地震青年幸存者创伤后成长的影响:感恩和自我效能感的中介作用. 心理科学(CSSCI).

徐文健, 冯廷勇. (2017). 留守年龄对留守儿童主观幸福感的影响: 人格的中介作用. 西南大学学报(社会科学版) (CSSCI).


Wenjian Xu. Case Study: East Asia. In S. Hwahng, & M. R. Kaufman (Editors). Global LGBTQ Health. Springer.

Wenjian Xu. Substance use among LGBTQ people in China. In S. Hwahng, & M. R. Kaufman (Editors). Global LGBTQ Health. Springer.





Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2021). Minority stress: Internalized homophobia and outness of gay and bisexual men from Southwest China. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng, Michelle R Kaufman. (2018). Predictors of HIV testing among Chinese men who have sex with men: A barrier perspective. American Public Health Association’s 2018 Annual Meeting, San Diego at USA.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng, Michelle R Kaufman. (2018). Prevalence of cigarette-smoking and its associations with other substance use & HIV-related sexual risks among Chinese MSM. 4th Annual LGBTQ Research Retreat & Data Fair, Johns Hopkins University at USA.

Wenjian Xu, Yong Zheng. (2017). Predictors of HIV testing among Chinese gay community: From minority stress perspective. 10th International Society of Critical Health Psychology, Loughborough University at UK.






























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