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研究生导师,管理学博士哥本哈根大学联合培养博士,北京地区优秀毕业生。研究方向为土地利用变化、土地生态效应、土地低碳利用等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,太阳成引进人才项目等。在Land Use Policy,Sustainable Cities & Society,Journal of Environmental Management等土地行业权威(S)SCI期刊发表论文多篇出版学术著作3部,省部级规划教材4部。任《中国土地科学》青年编辑委员会委员,房地产估价师职业资格考试试题素材征集组专家。获太阳成“探究式-小班化”教学质量优秀奖。指导学生获第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖,太阳成优秀毕业论文三等奖。


1. Shen, Y.; Chen, X.; Yao, Q.; Ding, J.; Lai, Y.;Rao, Y. Examining the Impact of China’s Poverty Alleviation on Nighttime Lighting in 831 State-Level Impoverished Counties. Land 2023, 12, 1128. (SSCI, IF=3.905)

2. Xu, F.; Chi, G.; Rao, Y.; Zhang, J. Editorial for Special Issue “Land Use Change and Anthropogenic Disturbances: Relationships, Interactions, and Management”. Land, 2022, 11, 1522. (SSCI, IF=3.905)

3. Wang, Y.; Rao, Y.*; Zhu, H. Revealing the Impact of Protected Areas on Land Cover Volatility in China. Land, 2022, 11, 1361.3. (SSCI, IF=3.905)

4. Rao, Y.;Zhang, J. Revealing the Land Use Volatility Process in Northern Southeast Asia. Land, 2022, 11, 1092. (SSCI, IF=3.905)

5. Rao Y, Zhang J, Wang K, et al. Understanding land use volatility and agglomeration in northern Southeast Asia. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 278. (SCI, IF=5.647)

6. 张建军,郭义强,饶永恒,等. 论国土空间生态修复的哲学思想 [J]. 中国土地科学, 2020, 34 (05): 27-32. (CSSCI)

7. Rao Y, Zhang J , Wang K , et al. How to prioritize protected areas: A novel perspective using multidimensional land use characteristics [J]. Land Use Policy, 2019, 83:1-12. (SSCI, IF=4.236)

8. X.Y.Han, J.J.Zhang*, Y.H.Rao, et al. Hindering the impact of building characteristics on greenbelt cooling effects: A perspective of quantitative simulation with in situ measurements. Science of the Total Environment, 2019(670):308-319

9. Rao Y, Xu Y, Zhang J, et al. Does subclassified industrial land have a characteristic impact on land surface temperatures? Evidence for and implications of coal and steel processing industries in a Chinese mining city [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 89:22-34.

10. Rao Y, Zhang J , Xu Q , et al. Sustainability assessment of road networks: A new perspective based on service ability and landscape connectivity[J]. Sustainable Cities & Society, 2018, 40:471-483.

11. Zhang J*,Rao Y, Geng Y, et al. A novel understanding of land use characteristics caused by mining activities: A case study of Wu’an, China[J]. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 99:54-69.

12. Zhang J*, Chen Y , Rao Y, et al. Alternative spatial allocation of suitable land for biofuel production in China[J]. Energy Policy, 2017, 110:631-643.

13. Zhang J* , Xu Q , Rao Y , et al. Government, enterprise and resident: Roles of local agents in regulating and simulating built-up land use and change in a mining city[J]. Land Use Policy, 2017, 67:222-238.

14. G.F.Luo, J.J.Zhang*, Y.H.Rao, et al. Coal Supply Chains: A Whole-Process-Based Measurement of Carbon Emissions in a Mining City of China. Energies 2017, 10(11),1855

15. 饶永恒,张建军,徐琴,等.人口、经济、土地耦合协调度空间差异分析.统计与决策,2016(20):133-136. (CSSCI)

16. 饶永恒,张建军,徐琴.基于logistic回归模型的矿业城市土地利用演变规律分析.中国矿业,2015,24(3):70-75.

17. Zhang J*, Rao Y, Yang X, et al. Effects of grain size on landscape patterns in mineral resource zones:a case study of Wu’an, China[J]. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2014, 1(2):227-234.

18. Rao Y, Zhang J. Disturbance of Mining Activities to Ecological Land Measured by Ecological Connectivity. Legislation, Technology and Practice of Mine Land Reclamation, Beijing, China, Oct. 15-20, 2014: 257-262.  












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